Tuesday, 20 November 2012


So on a COLD fall afternoon I met up with Lisa and her son Brady at Mill Woods Park in Edmonton. We just took a few pictures of him for his mom, he is a pretty easy going for a young fella!

Sorry these are so late - hope you enjoy!

- - Alicia xoxo

Monday, 19 November 2012

Jayme turns 1!

So Miss Jayme was in front of my camera just over a year ago when she was born ... how fast time flies cause now lil miss is walking and a hand full and has turned one!!! I spent the afternoon with Jayme and Heather and what fun we had, from tricking her to smile for the camera to her not smiling until I put my camera down, here are some cutie patootie shots of her :)

- - Alicia xoxo

Friday, 2 November 2012

The Benteau Family - October 2012

So these are not new faces to my blog, it`s the Benteau Family :) On a COLD fall Sunday morning in October I met with Jody, Blair, Jakob and Brody at Mill Woods Park in Edmonton. It was so cold that morning that it was way too cold to keep these little kids (and parents) outside so we went back to their grandparents` house and finished the shoot.

Here are some favorites of mine for you to enjoy.

- - Alicia xoxo


Baby Liam Ryan :) 17 Days New :)

So Jenny is actually from a community about 10 minutes from my home community in Newfoundland and one afternoon I dropped by her home here in Calgary and captured the many moments (and facial expressions) of their little boy, Liam Ryan Upshall who was 17 days new! I love these pictures and it took me a while to edit and decide which ones to share. This post is bigger than the normal posts but I couldn`t help it! He is just too darn cute :)

Congrats to Ryan and Jenny on the birth of your baby boy. You both are awesome, loving parents and have such a cute family! I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I did taking them and editing them!!

- - Alicia xoxo

The Sale Family

So on a cloudy Sunday afternoon in early October, I got together with Trudy, Colin, Cayden and Codey at Baker Park in Calgary and had the most fun with these energetic little boys!

Codey LOVES trains, specifically Thomas and when I say love, I mean LOVE. As luck would have it, a real train went by on the tracks and he got to see his first real train. He was astonished and could not realize that a train was in front of him! It was the cutest.

So after an hour of shooting with this loving and fun family, here are some shots that are my favorites. Hope you enjoy!!

- - Alicia xoxo